Watch out for these guys

IMPORTANT: These tips are part of a much bigger series. Make sure you get all of them by entering your email here: Lottery Tips

There are a lot of shady characters around when it comes to lottery advice.

I bet you've already seen some of them?

You know, those books that say they have discovered a secret formula for winning. But they're quite happy to sell it to you... instead of just using it themselves...

So I've put together a list of the ones to avoid. You can find it here:-

You do need to be careful when researching these systems.

Because most of the so-called 'reviews' you'll find out there are fake. Written by people who have no idea what the product is, but they get paid a commission if you buy it!

Don't be fooled. Double check my 'Bad Guys' list before buying any system:-

You can always email me too if ever you're not sure, or have any questions about a system (just hit reply to reach me).

Unlike the shady characters, you will always get a reply from me. You won't always like my answers but at least they are honest!

Be Lucky,


Read More Tips: What Is The Best Lottery Game To Play? | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 5 Ways To Win More With Any Lottery